Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Jason's First Movie Experience

It was a red-letter weekend for Jason, who saw his first movie, ever, in the theatres. He was smiling so big, Doug says. If getting tickets was exciting, then purchasing popcorn was out of this world. Jason adored the folding seats, and the other little people around him. Jason smiled straight through the first preview, then asked Doug if it was time to go home. Far from it. More than an hour with Curious George followed, which he very much enjoyed. I'll try not to ruin the ending, but George, at one point, had to be escorted away. That concerned Jason greatly. Ups and downs and all, I can guarantee Jason would gladly take part in another experience like this again.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bad Word

Dang. It's the new word in our house, one that Jason picked up from Isaiah, Miss Michelle's grandson. What can you say to that? It's not really a bad word, I guess. It could be worse. And, he says it with such innocence, we can't help but smile. Dang, he's cute. His brother, too.

Jason got the chance to meet a firefighter today. The fireman was in full firefighting gear, too. He and a firetruck visited the kids at preschool. Miss Beth said Jason did not hesitate to walk up and shake his hand. If you ask him about it, he'll talk about the workings of the doors on the fire engine. You may not understand him, but he's pretty passionate about it. We were to happy to hear that news, and also, to hear that there were no "make-out" sessions in class today.

Michael learned, today, in fact, how to use his arms and his legs in unison, to crawl away from us. We're just days away from his crawling really, really, really fast. There is a particularly scary gleam in his eye when he spies things like electrical outlets. We can't wait for the excitement that is sure to come our way!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Bathtime Bubbles Are a Big Hit

The boys are already enjoying the finer things in life. Yes, they are sitting in a bubble bath...and they love it. The two are playing together more and more. Michael is learning how to play peekaboo, and Jason enjoys playing along.

By the way, we have discovered the one group of foods that Michael will not eat. Vegetables. I tried to trick him tonight, adding a bit of cauliflower on the spoon, along with his fishsticks. He placed it in his mouth happily, but two seconds later, he somehow realized what I had done, and the food, all of it, just fell out of his mouth. Of course, I'll keep trying.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sifting Through the Toy Chest

Thank goodness some toys get better with age. I bought these when Jason was born (maybe even before). Linking foam letter squares. Every year, we find new uses for them. Today, we made separate boxes for the boys. Separate corners! And, they loved it, until they realized pushing on the "walls" slightly knocked everything down. After that, it was chaos!!!

Jumping Around

I never would have thought Jason would enjoy a giant trampoline like he did. But, look at his face. He was out there with his friend, Peyton, for maybe 15 minutes. He easily could have stayed for many more. I think some sort of tumbling class will be in his future!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Enjoying Winter at the Park

Hard to believe now, since I think the temperatures are in the twenties at the moment. But these pictures were taken at Mount Trashmore last week. Jason and his friend, Grace, had a great time, as you can see. The two play so well together, and Michael didn't complain, either! There is a huge play area with wooden mazes that the kids enjoyed weaving in and out of. Then we ran down the huge mountain of trash. True to her name, Grace made it to the bottom without falling once. Jason tripped over himself three times. He had a smile on his face the whole time, though! He had better get ready to run, too. We signed Jason up for soccer at the YMCA this week. Starts at the end of March. We can't wait.

Speaking of milestones, for weeks, Michael has been so frustrated. He wants to crawl, but doesn't quite get it. For the first time tonight, I think it clicked. Jason and I were in the bathroom upstairs, Michael on the carpet in the hall. Michael somehow pushed himself onto the vinyl in the bathroom, and was scooting all over. He was thrilled! I put him on the carpet, and he got frustrated all over again. But I know it is just a matter of time before everything changes for us--when they're both able to move, we're in big trouble! Pictures to come of Michael scooting around!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Jason's First Kiss

So sorry this entry has been delayed. There was something weird going on with the website.
Now, back to the kids!

Jason has a close friend at preschool. Abree, a beautiful girl with huge brown eyes and a mop of curly brown hair. They talk about each other all the time. I hear it, Abree's mom hears it. When in class, they always sit next to each other. Well, today, after preschool, we learned a little bit more about their relationship. Miss Beth told us they both had issues listening in class today. That's because they were too busy KISSING each other. Separate corners for them from now on.

After Jason's excitement at preschool, I made his night. We stopped by the station so I could talk make-up with the professionals. Jason got the chance to sit in our "green room" where we put on make-up. Jason did a bit of beautifying as well, digging through my make-up purse. Thank goodness for the patience of my co-workers. Tiaria, our 5 p.m. producer (picture on the bottom), sat with him for a long time while I was occupied. Michael watched the proceedings with his natural grace. Toward the end, though, we let him stretch a bit! Still no crawling...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Photos from the Archives

This isn't a new picture. It was taken last November. I think it is one of the last times I could get the two of them to sit still for thirty seconds.