Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Whole New World -- For Michael

My parents and brother, Tim, were the first family members to see Michael's new 'do face to face. They were a bit shocked. But I believe they're learning we like to keep things interesting. By the end of their stay, they had adapted. People find it a cut you grow to love. And, we are.

At the Park

I'm backtracking a bit. You can tell by the hair. Michael got the chance to have a leisurely get-together with Baby Kaylie a few weeks ago. We were just happy to get both of them in the picture at the same time.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Michael's New 'Do

I can honestly say Michael has less hair today than he did the day he was born. First, let me say this was a joint decision. Doug and I have been having issues with the child's uncontrollable mane. It grows in tufts. And, he has a few cowlicks. So, my esteemed colleague, Walter, agreed to help us fashion a new look for our number two. And wha-la! Here it is. Walter did a fabulous job. And, yes, the lack of hair is a bit of a shock for a boy who never had a bald spot. But, we're thinking once it grows in just a tad, it might be something you'll see more and more of. Of course, once Walter left, Jason came up to me and said, "I don't want Mr. Walter to cut MY hair like that, Mommy." Sorry, Mr. Walter.

Jason's Last Day of Preschool

It is hard to believe, but Jason officially has one year of preschool under his belt. Jason has thoroughly enjoyed Miss Beth and Miss Susanne's class. On the last day of school, he and his closest classmates got together for some fun with chalk and rocks. You'd think they won't be seeing each other the entire summer. We have a playdate scheduled next week--and there's always summer camp.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Eating Machine

Michael is getting bigger, but, perhaps, not fast enough. This is a day in his life. It has got to be difficult being pushed, pulled, sat upon, rolled over. Though vocal about his opposition, he does manage to take it in stride. And, as I've mentioned before, Jason had better watch out. Though Jason refuses to eat at Miss Michelle's house, ever, Michael has no such issues. Today, he ate a full meal of liver, beans, rice, and, I think, chicken. Then, he came home and had more chicken with Jason. I'm pretty sure he ate more than Jason did after we got home, too.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Afternoon in the Sand

A beautiful Spring day, and Jason and Michael certainly took advantage of it. We went over to Miss Valerie's house to play with Caitlin and Colton, and as you can see the boys had a blast.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was wonderful. For the first time, I think Jason understood it is a special day devoted to Mommy. He was more excited about its arrival than I was. At preschool, the kids made a craft for us mothers. And, Jason just couldn't wait to tell me. A week ago, the day he made the craft, he came up to me and said, "I made a craft for you for Mother's Day. It's a stick. Let me show you." I urged him to wait till the day of celebration. He was so pleased the day had finally arrived, he opened it himself. You can see the stick for yourself. I love it.

Not to be outdone, Michael is leaving the kind of present that keeps on giving....in the bathtub. Hopefully, you haven't just had a big meal, but these developments are too gross not to share. For the SECOND time, my number two has carried out number two in the tub. As a result, we are now doing our best to take baths in one minute or less.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Their First Air Show

The boys thoroughly enjoyed attending an air show this weekend. It was their first one. Jason particularly liked taking a walk through this aircraft. Pilots were doing death-defying stunts in the background. He didn't care. He took the tour of this plane twice. Of course, I wanted pictures to mark the event. But, the challenges of taking pictures of both kids continue. I've mentioned before the issues I'm having getting Jason to smile for the camera. In the past, it always looked like he was saying, "cheese." Which he was. Now, he'll smile. And this is the result--the surprised look, the goofy smile, or the ham. I don't know which one I like better.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Soccer Time!

It's hard to believe, but Jason's first soccer season is almost over. We're proud to say he's doing better at running up and down the field. His team is usually with him when he does it. He's not quite at the point where he'll kick the ball if anyone else is near it, but we know that will come in time. I also think Doug has enjoyed being the coach quite a bit. One of the best parts of their practices and games is the warm-up. Doug takes them through a series of stretches. The kids get on the grass and work their hamstrings and quads. They love it, and it really is something to see their smiles. One of the parents asked me if he would volunteer again. We'll see.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Michael's Revenge

I have figured out when Michael is at his happiest. After a good meal. Tonight, Michael almost devoured a plate full of chicken nuggets on top of a couple glasses of milk. This, after two bowls of rice at Miss Michelle's house. And, as a result, many smiles at bedtime. He was in a pretty playful mood, too. Very alert as you can see, as well. For the first time, I saw him climb on top of his big brother and smack him on the head. But, you'll see, Jason was too tired to care. He could barely eek out a goodnight to Daddy on the phone.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Little Brother is Catching Up

Michael is on a roll. Continuing to eat everything in sight. Tonight, I shoveled in food and milk. He just kept opening his mouth--all this, after a full meal at Miss Michelle's house. And for the first time, I saw him crawl over to Jason, who was laying on the bed, and start pounding on his back with his fists. Jason was surprised and quite upset. I think the tide may be turning for our baby Michael.