We all know Jason is pretty bossy. Gee, wonder where he gets that from? I can't get over how that tendency to lecture others plays out in real life.
Jason was out riding his bike with three friends in the neighborhood tonight. One boy was on a scooter, the other three, including Jason, were on bikes. And I've noticed, many times, Jason is the only one wearing a helmet. He's fairly safety conscious, though, and he wouldn't have it any other way. He religiously puts on his helmet before rolling one foot into the street. (He may not look both ways, but, you can be sure he'll have his helmet on! He's the same way with seatbelts).
The boys, all riding in a pack, of course, collided with each other. I heard no tears, and didn't panic. One boy, the one on the scooter, fell down. Again, no tears, no problem.
But then Jason, always helpful, told him, "You really should be wearing a helmet."