We took Jason to the doctor today for his 4-year old checkup, and just an awful round of shots. We knew the shots were coming, but I didn't forewarn Jason. I rushed the boys into car, and Jason, always inquisitive, asked where we were going. I told him we were going out. He wanted specifics, and wouldn't be stopped. He finally let it go after I told him we were going shopping. Lots of pressure there.
At the doctor's office, though, he showed no fear. Not at all. Not through the doctor's exam, not through the blood pressure test, not through the four shots he received. Not one tear, or moan. He was so brave, and reassured ME that he was not hurt. We were so proud. As for the stats, the doctor says he is growing fine. Almost 35 pounds, 3 feet, a little over 3 inches. We're watching him a bit. He isn't complaining, but his little thighs are hurting where he got the shots. I just watched him limp up the stairs.

The boys played very well together after dinner. That train set is a big hit, and occupies both of them for minutes on end. Doug shared a good story about Jason and the fish tank the other day. We have a little keyboard that sits right in front of it. Jason was playing with that one day, when he stopped. He said, "Daddy, why is the fish staring at me? Please make him stop." Doug told him the fish simply knew Jason was the kind person who provided food. Since then, that fish has not gone one day without nourishment.
Let's not forget Michael. His days are spent singing in his own language. Sometimes we know what he's saying, more often, we do not. But, he is really quite a happy baby. And, once in a while, we realize he's got a lot to say. His funniest outbursts are, of course, with his big brother. We think his favorite food word is meatball. We know this because Jason will start saying it. "Meatball, meatball!" Michael with follow. Only it sounds like this: "Beetbaw, beetbaw!" He always smiles after this, and so do we.