We know the boys work hard at school.
Their teachers tell us they do.
Yesterday, I got the chance to see how far they have come.

It's the discipline that I love about this Montessori school.
Michael knows what is expected of him in the classroom, and he behaves accordingly.
I watched him pull out a mat, place a lesson on top, and start to work independently.
He was simply moving little spikey balls from a bowl to a plate, using tongs.
It works his motor skills, and his little fingers were flying.
Proud as I was, Michael had a "moment." Those of us who see him on a daily basis know what this is all about. We were supposed to leave after he showed me ONE lesson, but he had a total MELTDOWN in class until we allowed him to do two.

Jason's progress, though, is nothing short of amazing.
Here he is sorting through fruits and placing the correct identification of each fruit below the picture.
He hasn't eaten many of these fruits, and knowing him, probably never will.
But, rest assured, he recognizes in pictures and in words, papayas, avocados, and kiwi.
The most amazing thing I saw him do yesterday: Add and subtract three-digit numbers using what is called a "stamp" game. We adults could learn some lessons from these kids!