However, he surprised us by making his way into the world THREE weeks ahead of schedule, on April 25th.
And, what about that quickie 3rd-baby delivery I was counting on? No such luck. I was in labor for about 12 hours before Joshua came screaming into our lives. As far as we can tell right now, all is well. He weighs 7 lbs., 9 ounces, and is 21 inches long. But, all the nurses kept saying, "I've never seen that before, I've never seen that before" after hearing him screech. He was angry about being here, and he let everyone within earshot of the building know about it.

Thanks so much to our dear friends, Kathy and Sean, who opened their doors to Jason and Michael, when I called at 12:30 in the morning, for emergency babysitting duty.

We worried the most about the boys' reaction to Baby Squishy, now known as Baby Joshua, although the names are interchangeable in the house. We have nothing to worry about, yet. The boys are fascinated by the baby. They want to "hold" him every chance they get, which, I can tell you, isn't often.

Maybe it's because he is number 3, maybe he knows what he needs to do to be heard. Baby Squishy goes from zero to VERY loud in about 3 seconds. But, he also calms down just as quickly. You just need to know what to do. Since we're still in the process of figuring that out, it's still a bit chaotic around here.

This is Joshua, Day 2.
We already can't imagine life without him.