He was thrilled, as you can see.

Thankfully, the festivities were short, and we left right after Santa rolled by.
Baby Joshua's older brothers were happy to see the man in the red suit, but were disappointed they didn't get any candy.

The weekend was filled with football as well. Joshua doesn't care for it much.

The kids continue to amaze us with their lessons! Jason is learning division. Michael can now count to 100!
He's also learning about sounds and is in the beginning stages of reading. We always talk about words and the letters they start with. For example, he'll tell me, "Mommy, cat starts with "c."
Unfortunately, a lot of our conversations revolve around puking. The baby spits up regularly, Jason threw up recently because he wasn't feeling well, so you can see how things deteriorate during dinner table talk sometimes.
So Michael said recently, "Mommy, throw up starts with "f." He was so proud of himself.
Get it? "frow up?"
You really can't make this stuff up.