You may be wondering why we would dress the baby/boy in such a fashion. Well, the other two had to do it.
This is one of the Chinese customs we incorporate into first birthdays. We have dressed the boys in red pajamas and try to take a peek into the future.
We lay out several items in a row. We had a toy computer, a cellphone, an envelope of money, a book, car keys, and a lightsaber (thanks, Jason!). Then, we placed baby at the other end, and let him go. Which item did he go to first?
The lightsaber! So it appears our little one is going to be a Jedi Knight, trying to follow in at least one brother's footsteps. And, just because he's #3 and always different, he went from the lightsaber and proceeded to touch every single item in front of him. I suppose that means he'll be a well-read rich warrior specializing in high-tech cars. We can only hope.
Just in the last couple of days, the baby has started to STAND up. Yeah, we're not happy about it, either.

We took him to the doctor yesterday, where we learned he's 30 1/2 inches long and he's 19 pounds 7 ounces. He's not obese, according to the baby's doctor, so he's now drinking 100 percent full-fat milk. And yes, the baby looks a little sniffly. That's because he has an ear infection, even though we didn't know it at the time. The doctor told us that, too!

We had a great little celebration for the Baby's special day. We were so lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa and some dear friends to come and spend it with us. Pictures and stories to come!