First, a wonderful Happy Birthday to Grandma. We were so glad we could celebrate (a few days early) her special day. We love you!

Grandma enjoyed the birthday cookie (I think! :)
But, it may be safe to say, Joshua enjoyed HIS birthday sweets a little bit more.

Don't get me wrong. Being the third child, he's had cake, cupcakes, cookies, he may have even had french fries, before. But, this is the first time (maybe the last) he's been allowed to feed himself the messy food...icing, sprinkles and all.

We had such a great weekend last weekend. Grandma and Grandpa surely got a tour of the area. One day we went to the Air Show. The boys buckled up on one of the big aircraft, but really didn't get to go anywhere.
Of course, we went to games. Soccer and t-ball were around the same time, so we split up. I was watching Michael run across the field. No flowers last weekend! Notice, though, he is nowhere near the ball.

The baby just soaked up the rays. It was a rather hot one.

Jason played t-ball. I think this is the one where he had a home run. He so loves getting out there.

Just before the weekend got officially kicked off, Michael sang for us in a school program. The "Spring Sing" was a big hit, with our #2 belting out such favorites as "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." His little lady, Jorah, never left his side. I didn't realize Michael was so captivating.

Then we can't forget our trip to a galaxy far, far away.
Actually, it was just the beach. We were there for the March of Dimes March for Babies, and out came Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers.

Jason did a double take. He really was in heaven and even after this photo opportunity, he couldn't stop staring at the Man in Black.

Until next time!
May the force be with you.