I just got a new camera. The last one we bought was just before Jason was born.
He turned 7 (!!!) on Thursday (of course, pictures to come), so we figured it was time to get a new one. The technology has changed just a little bit.
These days, the boys are so very interested in words they are not supposed to say.
Not that we talk like sailors around the house, but we really have to be careful with what comes out of our mouths.
They'll call us on it in a heartbeat.
Jason told me the other day about a conversation he was having on the bus.
He said, "On the bus today, somebody told me the p-word, but I forgot it."
Of course, then Jason and Michael spent the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what the p-word was.
What is the p-word, you might ask? It's not the one you think.
On the bus, one of the boys gave this as an example, and the boys had never heard this particular word before, so it's no surprise Jason forgot it.
The p-word is from the Piston Cup--as in Pis-ton Cup, you know, the Championship Cup awarded in the movie, Cars. So now you know.
You may be happy to know we likely won't be using the p-word around here.