Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer reading program

Now that it's summer, we're all trying to do a bit of reading.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer, here we come!

After months of what felt like living on the baseball field, it has all come to an end.

Jason, I think, was happy to see it arrive. He played a good season and was pretty beat by the last out of the last game. We had the chance to get together one last time with the team.

Joshua, of course, makes friends wherever he goes. I think he will miss most the candy he inevitably walked away with while watching the games.

Until next season!!!

Lots of milestones this last school year. If you had a chance to sit and think about it, you might tear up. It was Jason's first year in public school and I am so proud of him. He has to say goodbye to one school, though, and get ready for the excitement of another.

I had the opportunity to go to his Field Day. We baked under the hot June sun.

On another occasion, I went inside his classroom, where we had games and pizza. That was a GREAT day to be inside with all of them. By the way, hats off to all teachers. There is QUITE A BIT of energy inside a first grade classroom.

It has been a while since I've shared pictures, so there's plenty to catch everyone up on. The boys and I went on a 2-mile walk for charity on a recent weekend. Everyone looks refreshed and ready for a walk in this picture, but you should have seen us at the finish line! Jason did great, but apparently, Michael decided his feet weren't working after the one-mile mark. Doug, then, became the transporter.

Funny, but Michael was able to move on his own two feet during a birthday party at the park. We went on a hayride, ate lots of candy and cake and said goodbye to friends for the summer! He is getting so big!!!!

Finally, we went to a nighttime minor league baseball game. Here's when we realized the baby is kinda friendly. We happened to know most of the people in the seats around us. But Joshua didn't know that. He went up to complete strangers to see what kind of edible treasures they were interested in sharing.

Thank goodness this kind gentleman (a nice man from our church) was fine with parting with his peanuts. Our peanut wouldn't leave his side until the bag was finished!!!

It's tough to wake up from a nap

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back from Bermuda and back to reality

We've been back for a couple of weeks, yet looking at pictures of our journey to Bermuda still have the power to take us back.

If you're wondering what it's like to not be connected (no email, no phone access, no text messages), it's kinda nice. And scary.

The minute we left the cruise ship, I had to find a pay phone to call the boys. I almost didn't know how to use one of these.

It's funny that we live by a beach and yet, the beach is the first place we go on vacation. I guess it is what we know. We had to check out the world-famous Bermuda beaches, and yes, they were lovely.

We also did our fair share of eating. But we didn't eat as much as I thought we would. Or what we could have. Oh my, there's a lot of food on these big boats.

We met some really nice people, we had a truly relaxing time and we thoroughly enjoyed our 10th anniversary celebration.

Thank you so much to Grandma and Grandpa for making this trip possible. We love you very much!