Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Counting blessings

On this Thanksgiving Eve, the kids are wired, and ready for a couple of days off.

If you ask them, that's what they are thankful for.

Over the weekend, we had the chance to catch up with cousin Danica. She had just attended a Christmas parade with full-on face painting provided. Jason was fascinated, not by her make-up, but by her (parent's) iphone. Of course.

Tim also took some time out to be with us for the weekend. It was great to see him and capture the boys all together.

I know I need to take more pictures and video of this stage. Jason is a little man who is interested in origami (not sure where that came from), Michael is into Club Penguin and Joshua is...trouble.

These pictures were taken before bedtime a few days ago. But tonight, with the excitement of no school tomorrow, there's no sleeping going on!

We've all been pretty busy! Events here and there have brought us to places all across the area. Something tells me we will get even busier as we march toward Christmas.

Not to worry. Jason will keep us grounded.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Biker boy

We are so proud of our newest biker boy.

We took the training wheels off Michael's bike months ago. This past weekend, he finally learned how to ride on two wheels.

What has been so cool is watching Jason help his little brother with tips and tricks on how to get moving on a bicycle.

We have had to kick them out of the house, to work off all that CANDY. Look at the loot they dragged in from one street of trick-or-treating. I promise I did not encourage this, although I did not discourage it, but the boys wanted to wear their costumes from last year.

And they fit. So I let them.

Jason was a Clone Trooper, Michael a Storm Trooper, and well, the baby had no choice.

He was our little monkey. How fitting.
When we put the costume on him, he had NO interest in being a furry animal.

But we persevered, stuffing his arms and legs into the fabric. When he realized that a sweet "trick or treat" from him would get him plenty of candy, he was all in. Safe to say, his little arms carried in more candy than the other two!

Hope you had a Happy Halloween!!!