We had a great time at Disneyworld. It is truly the most magical place on earth, and everywhere we went, people encouraged us to have a "magical" day.
So we did.
Joshua had a blast the entire time, despite some discomfort you'll read about later.
We probably should separate our Disney time, though, to hours spent at the parks and hours spent at the pool. To be honest, it would probably be about equal.
We were lucky to have stayed on Disneyworld property, at Saratoga Springs. It was truly a beautiful place, with fountains and walking trails everywhere. The kids did not care about any of that. They saw the spray parks and the slides and that was all she wrote.

I think we spent every afternoon at the pool (morning time was for the parks), where Jason and Michael were able to frolic in the water. The property had several pools with different kinds of splash parks. They tested everything out and generally made the most of the outdoor areas. Joshua did, too. But, we didn't realize he was probably enjoying the water too much, drinking much of it while he enjoyed the slides and climbing toys.
Joshua is fairly healthy, but he threw up twice and had diarrhea once--the kinds of maladies you keep kids home from school for. But this is Disney. And even he didn't want to miss a minute of it. I just cleaned him up, scrounged up some fresh clothes, and, we went back out! Thank goodness for washing machines and dryers in the rooms. We put them to good use.

We figured Jason and Michael would be a little too old for some of the Disney characters. And we were right.
Joshua, well, he may have been too young. Of course, a "menacing" 5-foot-tall Minnie Mouse coming after you with her arms outspread might scare the bejeezus out of anyone. Joshua was no exception. This is not my best photography work, since the sun is in the way. But you can clearly see Joshua trying to get as far away as possible from the creature in the polka dot dress.
That was Day One, when we visited Hollywood Studios.
The highlight of Hollywood Studios, and probably the entire trip, was Jason and Michael's admission into the Jedi Training Academy. We had heard from friends this was a must-not-miss event, in gold stars. Agreed. It was worth getting up super early to stand in line. It was worth being bumped from our place in line to get another spot, to stand in line.

As members of Yoda's team in training, they were either going to fight Darth Vadar or Darth Maul. The boys eagerly waited for their chance to show off their skills in front of Darth Maul. Can't you tell? They wielded those light sabers with confidence.
You'll be happy to know Darth Maul ran away, beaten back by the power of The Force.
The one thing you can't fault Disney for is their production value. The actors were great, they were engaging, funny and the kids have a memory I hope they'll cherish for at least a month.
Day two brought us to Animal Kingdom and some really up close and person views of animals. We had a great time there, too.
The boys tested their musical skills a bit.
They "drove" around.
And, another highlight, they took a load off, and searched for bones, "buried" underground.
Day three, we ventured into the Magic Kingdom.
Though I'm not sentimental, even I was blown away by Cinderella's Castle. I haven't been to Disney in YEARS and the views take you back to childhood.
Speaking of views, Amah, Akong, Joshua and I waited in line for two hours for a glimpse of HER: Rapunzel.
Joshua could speak of nothing else when he found out we were heading to Disneyworld. "Tangled" is his favorite movie, hands down, and he is able to sing many of the songs in the film. Plus, if you watch him long enough (and make sure he doesn't see you), he acts out scenes. He has it bad for Rapunzel.
But look at this. Joshua usually has a charming little smile and he knows it. But the sight of the princess must have done something to his mouth muscles. We never saw a normal grin from our #3 while we had the opportunity to visit Rapunzel's garden.

Here's where it gets weirder. Jason and Michael also got the chance to step into the enchanted land. And, look, they're smiling. I normally have to pay them to look happy. But, here they are, next to Joshua, who looks like he ate something bad.
No worries, though. Our Disney vacation provided us with some great memories and wonderful pictures.
On Day four, Jason, Michael, Doug and Tim went to visit the Harry Potter world at Universal and Joshua and I had the day to ourselves. We took a turn around the Tomorrowland Speedway and afterward, he turns to me and sighs, "All that driving made me tired." It took us twelve hours door to door to get to Disney, but I would say, although all that driving made us tired, it was well worth the trip.