It certainly wouldn't feel like spring without baseball.
But before the season gets into full swing, the kids did a bit of ice skating.

We were so thrilled to have so many of Michael's friends join us in the celebration of his eighth birthday. Eight! So hard to believe. He had a great time ice skating. They even had these walkers that "new" skaters could use on the ice. Once the kids got better, the employees took those walkers away. Despite that loss, everyone seemed to enjoy running around on the ice. Once they were done skating, we sugared them up with cake and ice cream, and then sent everyone home. :)

Ice skates and running shoes. Once again, Jason and Michael ran the Final Mile, sporting some shiny new medals. Next year, it might be time for a longer race.

Baseball is also keeping us busy, with sometimes as many as three practices a week, and that's just for Jason. Joshua is also playing on a team this season. It's t-ball and he loves it, once he is on the field.
The challenge, though, is getting him there in the first place.
And one baseball game to start the season off, but this time, we were just spectators. The family enjoyed a night out, watching the big boys play.

Here's Jason with his team. They had such a good time! And soon, it will be their turn to be on the field!