The first week of the New Year, and I'm just marveling at how big Michael is getting. He is nine months old, and he is VERY comfortable in 12-month, sometimes even 18-month clothing. He's really starting to babble now. We believe his first word was "CHEESE." Only it sounds like "eeee." You can tell he enjoys picture-taking time. Michael is just now getting the hang of rolling over, and back. He doesn't really do it all that often. But when he does, watch out! Sometimes he'll look as if he might crawl, but, no. Not today. He really enjoys standing. Loves holding onto his Leap table, or a chair. I don't think we have to worry he'll walk anytime soon. I say that now, but, if he does become mobile soon, we're in big trouble.
Jason is holding his own. He's got the walking, running, and jumping down pat. Now, he's focused on talking. This is a snippet of tonight's conversation.
Jason: Nana (a girl in his daycare) said 'aw, s**t' today.
Me: ReallY?
Jason: Uh huh. She said bad word.
Me: Yes, she did. I don't want you to repeat it.
Jason: I won't.
We'll see.
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