To Jason, baking is a great stress reliever. And, with Grandma's visit last week, he figured he would be able to roll up his sleeves and make chocolate chip cookies using his cow-shaped cookie cutter. Thankfully, the result was a tasty treat for all of us. Really, Jason surprises us with his independence and his desire to help. A couple of examples. He's now able to cut his own fingernails. I don't know whether this is an accomplishment, but I was pretty impressed. Anyway, he always complained I was hurting him when I did it for him. This is a decent alternative. Yesterday, he asked if he could carry Michael. He's never asked to do that before, and quite frankly, I don't know why he would do it now. At 20 pounds and growing, Michael is more than half Jason's weight. The gap is closing by the hour. Then, at the YMCA today, he held the door open for a little girl. It's the first time I'd seen him do that. I was so proud. Another emotion rose to the surface, though, when Jason lunged at Michael with a crayon in hand and yelled, "I have to color you, Michael!!!" Don't worry, I stopped the artist-to-be just in time.
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