Just a few days ago, we thought Michael hit a major milestone. He took his first step (just one). And, of course, after that, nothing. No walking, no standing, even. I thought maybe he was simply working on his verbal skills. In the last two days, he's really started sharing his thoughts. Words like "thank you," that sound like "dada," "by-bye," and finally, finally, "mama." He's saying "ma-maa?!" so much now that Jason is asking, "Mommy, why does he keep saying that?"
Well, around midday, Michael's verbal and his physical skills were working in sync. He started throwing himself up to standing, while saying "ma maaa?!" At one point, we determined he was just showing off because he did it so many times. Too bad every time he tried to stand, Jason decided to take a stand, too, flattening poor Michael within seconds. So much for brotherly love.
After all that excitement, I took the kids to the mall, and the play area beckoned. Both boys flocked to the giant plate full of potato chips, a hot dog, and a slice of watermelon. I tried getting pictures of Michael showing off his new skills. I'll keep working on it.
Before I go tonight, I have one last Jason-ism. Doug always says that Michael and Jason's hair smells like taco meat. I'm not sure I agree. They get baths. But, Jason must disagree, too. Tonight, Jason said, "My hair doesn't smell like taco meat. It smells like Skittles."
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