We're back after a whirlwind trip up the East Coast. Our visit to Atlantic City was a good one, but, boy, are we glad to be home! The boys enjoyed visiting with relatives, eating candy, and receiving gifts. Not in that order.
You can see, no matter the location, boys will be boys. Our hotel room floor became the arena for several wrestling matches. We're still not sure who won. But, we know it wasn't the people who could hear Michael shrieking from clear across the hall--on the other side of our door!

We are not letting our days off together go to waste. We visited Busch Gardens today, and despite a driving rain that soaked the boys' shorts and t-shirts, they had a blast. The park had plenty of rides for little ones. And since the rain made it a bit uncomfortable outside for many, we benefited by enjoying almost no lines! We let the boys get on one ride together, just the two of them. It was so sweet. Jason made sure Michael was buckled in before he turned his attention to driving. Of course, at the end of the ride, Jason stepped over his little brother in his haste to get out. Obviously, we have a little more work to do! You can see Jason taking a turn in the bumper cars. On the way home, he told us, very seriously, that during that particular ride, there were a lot of accidents. But he did tell us, he wouldn't mind going back.
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