Monday, January 22, 2007

The Good Life

Bubbles are still big fun at our house. During bath time, they are a nice diversion. In the beginning, they scared Michael, who desperately tried to escape when the bubbles started forming. No more. As you can see, he splashes around just like his big brother when they're in the tub.

Michael continues to sort through the tough time that is the "terrible two's." We're all working through it. Some days, he just screams, trying to get some understanding from us. Other times, it's us doing the screaming. But, more often than not, Michael finds comfort in his big brother. They play together, fight each other, and can carry on some entertaining conversation.

Most of the time, it consists of Michael echoing some key phrases, like "Do it!" "Did it!" or "Look!"

Jason makes us laugh constantly.
The other day, he was playing with a race car set he got for Christmas.
He wanted to capture the moment, if you will.
He pulled out a camera that uses FILM. We gave it to him a while a back.

He clicked and and clicked for a few minutes. Then, frustrated, he threw it down.

"Mommy, what's going on? It's not cheesing!"

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