This new schedule has allowed me to enjoy Doug's softball games in their entirety. So, of course, I took a few photos, then walked around.

If I remember correctly, Doug played pretty well. The team won one, and tied the other. I think he made some great play, but I'm not really sure.
I was focused on this next play.
Take a peek.
I captured Michael's new "eyebrow" look.
The picture doesn't quite capture what it's like in real life, but it's close.

Michael then switched his oh-so-expressive face to his "face" mode. One minute comical, the other fierce.
He had all of us in stitches.

Ah, but it is not all fun and games.
Especially in public.
We are encouraging the whole self-feeding thing, right?
We tell him to "bam!" the food.
No problem. He enjoys the physicality of it, and he actually manages to get food on his fork and in his mouth.
Well, recently, he's started to get his "b's" and his "d's" mixed up, BUT ONLY ON THIS ONE WORD!
So, the word, "boy" comes out just fine.
But, in a semi-quiet restaurant, Michael will look at his food, fork in hand, and scream, "DAMMIT!"
Then, he'll give us the eyebrows (see above).
We cannot help but laugh.