Our boys enjoyed the opportunity to dress up--for about a minute.
I got them matching suits, almost matching shirts.
The ties stayed on--for about a minute. Enough to snap a picture!
The wedding was lovely. Akong and Aunt Jeannie were two of Kathy's sponsors. The boys sat through the service, though I can't say they were the best behaved in there. There was plenty of giggling coming from our pew, and it wasn't from me or Doug!
The reception was a more appropriate location for Jason's energy. He got the chance to approach the bride for the "money dance." He was able to pin money on Kathy to help her start her new life. Then he took a twirl.
We enjoyed the evening, as well as the opportunity to be with family. But, after it was over, we were exhausted! And Jason turns to us and asks, "Can we go play putt-putt now?"