Let me explain the costumes. I was all ready to get a Spiderman costume, Buzz Lightyear, whatever Jason wanted. But, for several weeks, he's been resolute. "I want the M&M costume," he said. He wore it two years ago, and it still fit. So, I pocketed the money and let him wear it. Michael's costume is new. However, I just realized (Thanks, Walter!) that it LOOKS very much like the costume he wore last year. THIS one is a monkey. So, Michael believed he was not only a monkey, he thought he was Curious George.
We started with dinner at TA's house. Her kids, Cecelia and Verona were there, of course. Emily joined us with Matthew and Eli. Thanks for the great meal, and wonderful company! The kids scarfed down home-made pizza and pumpkin cookies. Then, it was time to scare her neighbors into coughing up candy...
For a while (like two houses), the younger ones enjoyed the running.
From door to door, the waiting (for the door to open), the anticipation ("Trick or treat!"), and the payoff ("She gave me TWO chocolate bars, mom!").
The older kids couldn't be stopped.
They didn't even really stop long enough for me to snap a picture. That must be why it's blurry.
But, the two-year olds didn't quite enjoy the action. After about a half-hour, Michael wanted to go home. Uh-oh. What to do? Thank goodness, Cecelia's daddy was smart enough to bring along a stroller. With a small bribe of candy, the two agreed to sit and watch while their siblings raked in sweets.
Take a look.
But, even the energizer bunny gets tired. By the end of the evening, these three needed a rest before moving on.
We finished out the evening pretty tired, and with heavy arms (carrying all his loot).
And, a buffet of candy STILL awaits him at home!
What a great Halloween!!!
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