It is a very rare day when it's just Michael and me.
As always, there's a reason for the alone time.
He's a little under the weather right now, and in this picture, taken today, he looks 300 percent better than he did yesterday.
See the stuff under his nose? Scary looking, isn't it? It's the result of a staph infection called impetigo. Poor Michael got it a few days ago. It started as bumps all around his mouth, he looked like a teenager with really bad acne. We thought it would go away, and it didn't. It spread to include scary scabs under his nose. I assumed the worst, of course, that it was chicken pox. A lot of our friends are dealing with it right now. But, the doctor assured me it was not, just impetigo, treatable by antibiotics. He's pretty contagious, though, so I was happy we kept him away from school.
My happy-go-lucky boy took it all in stride. For a couple of days, he just hadn't been himself. I would try to wipe his nose and he would cry. Well, now I know why. After we started the treatment, I tried again to wipe his nose, and he told me that it still hurt. When would it go away?
Meantime, we truly enjoyed our afternoon together, without his big brother. We did everything he wanted to do. Saw part of "Charlotte's Web," then halfway through, he wanted to to watch "Toy Story 2." He was giddy with power, in control, something he doesn't get to be very often.
Then, like sick people do, he took a long nap. He woke up, refreshed for more battles with his brother!
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