At their Montessori school, Ms. Dawn tells me how great Michael is, how well-behaved, and how he is a leader in the class.
And I say, "Michael who?"

But today, I got to see the Michael she sees everyday: he is persistent, smart, and pretty disciplined.

He showed me how the "knobbed cylinders" lesson works. It's a row of wooden cylinders of different heighths, different widths, and the kids must work on their spatial relations to put the right cylinders back in the right holes. And this is where Michael was really giving it all he got. He had four rows of them, with wooden cylinders that were slightly different from each other, laid out in a square. He took out all the cylinders and put them in the middle of the square, mixing them up as he went. He told me, "to make it more difficult." He put them all back in the right spots, pretty quickly. He did great.

Jason also impressed me.
The funny thing, he always starts with a lesson on vegetables.

His job is to match up the vegetables with the typed-up words. Cauliflower, cabbage, know, healthy food that he vows will not touch his lips. That is, unless I can figure out a way to puree them and turn them into a potato chip.

Jason really impressed me. He is learning grammar, can tell me what a noun, an adjective, and an article is. He is adding together sequences of numbers, and he knows his polygons. We are so proud of him.
As for Baby Joshua, he wasn't thrilled to be watching his brothers share their lessons with me. Don't feel sorry for him, though. I turned around and at one point, FIVE girls were all waiting to have their faces touched by the baby.

I know we'll be sorry soon. This is Baby Joshua, on all fours, just itching to move.

Uh oh is right.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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