At least they all stayed within the frame.
Even during our impromptu photo shoot, the questions from them are non-stop.
"How long do we have to sit here?"
"Can we watch a movie?"
"Where are we going?"
"Can I have a Girl Scout Cookie? How about a chocolate-covered raisin?"
Meanwhile, we have questions of our own.
Like how Jason can always find money, always, in those candy, gumball, and toy machines, in restaurants, and stores?
Here he is helping Joshua get a good workout.
The baby is beginning to babble, by the way.
What is he trying to say when he says bie, bie, bie, then makes this gutteral sound as if he were clearing his throat?

Michael, too, is full of questions. Always wants to know what's next for snack.
Even though they always seem to be talking, apparently, they're listening as well.
The other day I heard Jason bargaining with Michael. "If you let me watch Kung Fu Panda, then I'll give you all my toys."
Then, I heard Michael say to his big brother, at another time. "Stop whining. You're a big boy."
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