Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer camp craziness

It seems like every minute of the kids' days during the summer is filled with activity. They are taking part in camp at the YMCA. Jason and Michael are enjoying it very much. They get to ride the YMCA bus, travel to the park, they sing camp songs, and play dodge ball.

The best thing is they come home tired, yet full of stories.

We love it.

On the weekends, we try to relax. Here's crouching Jason.

We have visited with Peggy, Grace, and Rob. The boys drew us pictures after they had a bit of fun in their pool. We saw them on a beautiful Saturday. It was just so funny seeing them sitting at a bench, busily drawing, while the pool was behind them.

Not to worry, they got back in.

We've recently also seen Claire, Mike, Elizabeth, and Tommy.
Look at how big these two have gotten!

The baby continues to thrive. He is still not walking, though.
However, he is showing his helpful side. He enjoys putting things away for me.

And smiling.

And, we've found that he follows in his brothers' footsteps, not just in the walking department (the other two walked very late as well), but in the Star Wars world.

Jason and Michael's lightsabers were on the floor the other day, and the baby just couldn't stay away.

The older boys are on a science kick right now. I guess it started a few weeks ago, after I picked up a science experiment book at Target. Plus, this week's YMCA camp is called "Crazy Science." Last night, they got adventurous. The boys decided to make a concoction of water, food coloring, salt (lots of it), and cooking spray. I asked them if they would drink it, and of course, they said, no.

Then again, that shouldn't be a surprise.

I made chicken last night. Jason looked it and said, "I don't want to eat it right now. Ask me when I'm a teenager."

Really? Already?

1 comment:

Grandma said...

So glad the boys are enjoying summer camp - the science experiments sound really fun. My favorite part of the summer has been going to the Outer Banks with all my boys!!!