We were so happy to find the box full of goodies that came in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa last week. Thank you so much for the puzzles, cool notepads, books, and other wonderful playthings.
What surprised me was how one of the gifts occupied both boys for a good two hours. TWO HOURS! If I had known this would happen, I would have started a project of some sort. Like cleaned the bathrooms or something.
The boys looked more like archaeologists as they extracted "dinosaur" bones from an egg-shaped blob of clay.
Look at the concentration.
It got a little messy, but I let it slide. Clay got everywhere. Truly, though, it was really very easy to clean up. And, every time I looked up, every time I expected to start the washing away process, both boys started digging again.
Michael was a little frustrated. He couldn't get at the little dinosaur pieces as fast as his big brother. Notice his eyebrows working overtime as well.
Eventually, he found all of them. Jason did, too.
And then it was off to the next thing.
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