While it may feel a little early for it, our city had its annual Christmas parade tonight.
The weather was mild, we had a prime spot to watch the festivities, and it was the baby's first true view of Good 'Ole Saint Nick. We took him to a very small parade last year, but it was very small, so I'm not going to count it.
We think Joshua had a really good time, actually.
Of course, he looked like Simon Cowell judging the talent crossing in front of him. He didn't smile much, he waved occasionally, he waved and clapped only when he saw others doing so.
Joshua was truly captivated, not by the singing angels on floats or the loud marching bands, but by one of Doug's co-workers who was standing nearby.
The other boys weren't so interested in the activity in front of them, either. That is, until, some parade participants started handing out candy.
That made the night for them.
As we were leaving, we asked Jason and Michael what their favorite part of the night was. After their brief glimpse of Santa Claus, they both said the candy was the bright spot of the evening.
It was a late night for them. After a good flossing, all three of them went straight to bed.
Good night to you!
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