The draw of the beach then wasn't the surf, but the sand.
We actually made it to the beach today. Jason and Michael made a beeline for a stretch of sand so they could get to work building castle villages.
Joshua went straight for a snack.

After a handful of 'nilla wafers, Joshua was feeling good enough to dip his toe in the water. Joshua was a little nervous at first, but Doug says after a few minutes, he was giggling when the low waves hit his feet.
Then, we buried his feet (Michael's, too) in the sand!
I didn't realize the boys knew anything about the whole tanning culture we have here. But Jason and Michael asked me if we could do without sunscreen today so they could get a proper "tan." What??!!! We told him they were bronzed enough, thank you very much.
We have noticed that camp has brought Jason and Michael closer together. This is what happens when these two get the giggles during dinner.
We can't help but laugh. Doug and I couldn't help but laugh at something Michael said this morning. We were at the dining table, eating breakfast. And Michael looks at us and says, "It has been nice. We've had Joshua for two years."
You really can't deny the truth of his words.
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