We realized immediately what we left behind the minute we unlocked the door to our home and walked inside.
Our trash, inside the kitchen. Did I mention we had fish for dinner the evening before we left?
We don't know if that has anything to do with the ants now staking a claim inside our home, but, well, there they are.
For some reason, the arrival of these pesky, tiny, numerous creatures into our humble abode has energized our kids like I've never seen.

I've been looking online for ways to "naturally" get rid of the ants. Talcum powder, pepper, vinegar--we are trying them all. We're cleaning like fiends, too.
Today, Jason and Michael were practically fighting to be able to Swiffer our living room and vacuum our rugs. I'm trying to be supportive, so I let them.
Tonight, we realized the boys must have left some standing water in some bath toys, because we found a family of mosquitoes in the bathtub. It seemed to be the last straw for Jason, who walked around, saying, "What has happened to our house?"
I am confident we will end up victorious against the ants.
But it looks like Michael and Joshua aren't so sure. They may be trying to find a way to send themselves back to Grandma's house!!!
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