The first day of school was a big deal for our older two, although you wouldn't know if from Michael's calm demeanor.
Michael prepared for the day like a champ. No worries, no questions. He acted like he was made for school.

I'm happy to say I picked him up from the bus stop and he still had positive things to say about the whole experience. Good thing. He has 179 days left in the school year.
I have to say we were worried about Jason most of all. He, too, is going to a new school with a pretty long ride on the bus. That bus ride has worried him to no end.
I am happy to report the bus got both kids to school this morning, and more importantly, brought them back to me safely. They both said to me, "School is so easy. All we did was play games." Something tells me at least one of them (Jason) will be changing his tune shortly.
We had a celebratory day. Light homework (just reading for Michael), I allowed them some time on the Wii. We played outside and we worked on Michael's biking skills. I pulled off his training wheels over the weekend and he's psyching himself out about riding on two wheels.
But today, maybe still on the high from kindergarten, he approached the bike riding with new zeal. He went about half a foot without falling and I was appropriately pleased and I cheered. Jason was watching. He crinkled up his eyes and said, "I don't really know what the big deal is. He didn't go very far."
No, but it is all about the effort. And for that, I am appropriately pleased.
Have a great day! One down, 179 to go!
1 comment:
The boy look great - ready for a great school year. We love you all!!!
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