I love when the boys are all showered and ready for bed, but not yet ready to fall asleep. More often than not we are rushing them to their pillows, knowing they have such an early start in the morning. But tonight, we had a few extra minutes.
We had a great day with swimming lessons (all three are taking them now) and a pleasant dinner. The afternoon snack was a bit of a challenge, though. Joshua is speaking plenty more words now, but it is not always clear still what he is trying to say.
Today, he kept screaming at me, "yenky toms," "yenky toms!!!" "YENKY TOMS!!!" What in the world is that? He continued to get more and more upset because I had no idea what he was talking about, but then Michael, who overheard, matter-of-factly said, "He wants Lucky Charms."
Oh. Lucky Charms.
So I asked him. "Lucky Charms?"
"Yeah. Yucky Charms."
"Yucky Charms?"
"Yeah. Yucky Charms."
Yup. That's what he wanted.
Jason wants more and more Beyblades. That is the toy of the moment. What happened to all the Star Wars, Legos, Bakugan that were the hot toys of yesterday? In the closet.
We think Michael may be onto something musical. He is learning a little bit about drumming from Doug. He certainly is enjoying one-on-one time with us.
Michael is definitely a funny little guy. The most bizarre things make him sit up and take notice. Like tonight, as I was kissing him good night and leaving the room, he says to me, "Good night, sweet woman!"
And good night to you!
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