The boys had the chance to spend plenty of minutes outdoors. If you ask the boys their favorite part of the trip, they would say, "The park." Really? The park? After everything they did?
Well...I have to admit the parks were pretty fun.
So, was the planetarium. We visited the Fernbank Science Center and every single adult (Grandma, Doug and I) fell asleep upon taking a seat in those comfy chairs. The three boys stayed wide awake, despite dimmed lights, a slightly dated animated feature and really good chairs that leaned back.
If you keep prodding Jason and Michael about the trip, they may remember a pretty big event. An Atlanta Braves game with Ezekiel, Elijah, Doug and Grandpa.
The night was incredible for all the boys. It started at The Varsity and for Michael, a dream come true. He's taken a big liking to hot dogs and while there, he ate two!!!
The game was a win for the Braves and it was just long enough for the boys to enjoy the sights and sounds of a major league game.
Joshua stayed home and this is what happened to him.
The poor thing never gets a bath. He was so excited to have some time alone in the tub that he allowed me to turn him into Ferris Bueller for just a moment.
Speaking of moments, there are some Joshua moments we should pass along before we forget them. We have been pulling out photo albums and he will stop what he is doing immediately for a peek. He will plop down in our laps and open up the books. It is obvious Joshua cannot imagine a world of pictures without him.
We were looking at a book I put together for Michael. Joshua was not in it at all. He kept pointing to Baby Michael and insisting, "That looks like Michael, but that's really Joshua."
After a while, it was obvious he was tired of repeating himself. Finally, we asked him, "Where's Joshua?" He said, "Joshua not there. He is asleep."
1 comment:
We had a great time also playing games like UNO and Kid's Trivial Pursuit, not to mention Poker. You can come back anytime!
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