If this type of physical activity was going to take place, we figured it should be done in a controlled settling.
Jason and Michael have just joined a wrestling club not far from the house.
The first few sessions weren't pretty, but recently, we've noticed some changes in their strength, particularly Michael.
He's running like a champ, and look at this smile.
For the first time, ever, he went across the monkey bars. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. To prove a point, he did it about ten times. Yup, not a fluke.
Thanksgiving at our house was a food-filled affair. You see the turkey I roasted, nice and easy. We ended up with plenty of turkey for leftovers. I think it tasted just fine. But Akong, the fry master, stepped in and filled our tummies with his delightful fried shrimp. No worries, we enjoyed turkey sandwiches for days afterward.
Joshua is always giving us kisses (and hugs). This is not a shot of that. Parents of the year we are not, especially after Joshua took a tumble in the bathtub and bumped his lip. All is well now, though, and we have a brand-new bathmat in the tub, which the boys enjoy very much.
Joshua isn't upset anymore, by the way. He has his sights firmly planted on Christmas. He's a consistent little thing, too. We ask him what he wants from Santa. "Bubble wrap," he always says.
Good thing Joshua doesn't expect much. We won't need to get him a bike. He is starting to ride Jason's old bicycle and it fits perfectly. We slapped on the training wheels and off he goes!
Happy holidays! We love you!!!
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