I have found the secret to a stress-free vacation.
Have cousins handy.
Thank goodness for Ezekiel and Elijah.
Over the course of the last few days, I haven't had to answer the question, "What are we going to do now?"
Jason and Michael made their cousins respond. The cousins even kept the baby occupied.
I'm sure the question came fast and furious at times, if one exchange I heard early in the week was any indication.
Rapid-fire, Jason needed to know, "Are we going to play Jenga or Yahtzee?" "Which one?" "WHICH ONE?"
Of course, it ended up, both games would be at the center, over and over, and over.
Another place we went to frequently, no surprises here, the beach.
It was in the water that we really saw the benefit of having older boys to look up to.
Jason has been in the ocean before, he's even jumped in. But with boogie boards? With gusto? Nope.
The beach experience has been changed forever for our #1.
I wish I could take credit for these wonderful photos. But, I can't. Grandpa and his great eye got these action shots of the boys. Thanks so much!
Michael got in the water, too. But the first couple of times we went to the beach, he just wanted to play in the sand. We brought beach toys, and he used every single one of them.
Michael was busy digging holes, building sand castles, and making food.
Here I am, feasting on his blueberry and strawberry jam. Delicious!
We had a great time. I just wish I hadn't forgottem my boogie board. I would have been out there with them.
Thank you Terry & Dino
I really enjoyed the trip. It was a real treat being able to go to the beach, and being able to see all of you. It definately was the best vacation I have been on.
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