I love that they are always thinking.
At dinner last night, appropriately enough, the subject was food, and what kind of food big, scary animals enjoyed.
Like snakes. Jason wanted to know what snakes ate.
"How long do they get?"
"Could they stretch to the ceiling?"
"Would they be taller than the tallest man in the world?"
"Could they eat him?"
We moved onto other animals, but the theme stayed the same.
"Could a panther eat a snake?"
"Could a panther eat people?"
"Where do panthers live?"
You could tell he was beginning to get worked up, that the questions and answers were having an impact. Would he have to worry about panthers in the cul-de-sac during playtime?
Doug said, "South America."
And, almost under his breath, Jason said, "Phew."
You could tell he had been worried, and we all had a good laugh.
Not all of our meals are that exciting.

But they are always quite fun.
Here's a picture from a few weeks ago. We were at Michael's friend, Tyler's house, for a birthday party. Jorah, Jason, and Michael were best buds that day.

Doug got a shot of the older two on the deck a while ago, from his phone. The picture isn't too clear, but you can see very well they love each other!

And, Michael is getting to a stage where he wants one-on-one time with Doug.
So the two of them, just the two of them, just wrapped up making a secret dessert for us tonight.
We don't know exactly what it is, but something tells me, chocolate might be involved.
Almost bedtime for me. Sweet dreams!
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