Joshua loves to sing. Certain songs make him stand up and belt it out. "Jump" by Van Halen is a big one. He's apparently tone deaf like I am, though. But that doesn't matter to him. Doesn't matter to me, either. A good song won't keep him down. He'll sing his heart out. And you can't understand a word he says.
For a while we thought he was just babbling to babble. Then, the other day, we heard actual words come out of his mouth. We have heard him say the usual stuff: Mommy, Daddy, bruh (brother), night night, what sounds like baby (but he's referring to his blanket). His phrases are more difficult to decipher. What sounds like "wha wha wha?" is actually, "What is that?" And tonight I could have sworn he said, "It fell" and "Let's read a book."
He's getting there. In the meantime, he's so earnest about everything and will blow a kiss to anyone who will look him in the eye. The politest baby on the block, for sure. Every gesture gets a "tink you" from our #3.
Joshua is also learning the art of yoga from our Wii. Time for Downward Dog.
Michael is teaching him.
Calm now?
School starts on Monday. We can't wait! :)
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