The boys must do something to entertain themselves. And sometimes, mean mommy that I am, I tell them the entertainment cannot include anything electronic.
We notice that 20-month old Joshua seems to think he is much older than he really is. He marches into situations his big brothers do. He has no fear.
I just hope he is aware of the importance of personal space.
We had new neighbors over for dinner the other night and there's a little girl in the family.
Can you tell Joshua was fascinated by her? At one point, I saw him pat her on the arm.
We fear the child is a little advanced, and not in a good way.
I think he's hit his terrible 2s.
I've noticed that each child also gets progressively louder.
This one is off the charts.
The good news is while his downs are pretty loud, his ups are also pretty great.
As you know, we just started a new morning show.
One of the segments encourages viewers to take a picture of themselves with a favorite mug.
This is the baby drinking the hot chocolate that Michael didn't want, then reaching into the cup to fish out the marshmallow. See? He doesn't think he's not yet 2!
Speaking of the new show, I made the boys watch the program the other day. They couldn't help but notice the brand new kitchen on the set.
For dinner last night, I made a pretty decent spaghetti sauce from scratch. I asked them if they thought I could make this meal in our new kitchen on the set.
Jason, with no pause, says, "Mommy, I think you're going to have to get a little better first."
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