Monday, July 31, 2006

There's No Turning Back

I know I have been falling down on the job lately, but, rest assured, I'm not falling down as much as our baby. (I guess he's not a baby anymore, though. The kid is 16 months old now!) To his credit, Michael falls down and bravely picks himself back up. No complaints. And, though at times, he looks a little like some sort of marionette, he's moving fast enough to make us proud. And tired. There is no turning back. Our boy is walking and won't be stopped!

As for Jason, his walking and running are doing just fine. Now it's his mouth that is picking up speed. Miss Michelle says he is talking her ear off. That is unusual. But, he really does have a lot to say. For example, tonight at dinner:

Jason: Those men getting out of the car were stupid, Mommy. I saw that on the news.
Me: What did you say?
Jason: They were stupid, Mommy. Daddy said so. He said they were stupid.

Uh-oh. Busted. It was after this conversation that we went into the lesson on words we don't repeat, even when Daddy says them.

What has been most amazing is the development of Jason's sense of humor. And, we will do almost anything so we can hear him laugh. We realized that jokes are not lost on Jason just a few weeks ago. Doug was sharing two of his favorite knee-slappers. To our surprise, he started giggling uncontrollably. While adults may not fall down laughing at these offerings, Jason does.

You may have been treated to these before, but, when you see Jason, try these out. They will get guaranteed laughs.

"What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? Where's my tractor."
"What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino? Elefino!"

Yes, simple and very effective.

As I mentioned before, it has been an extremely busy week for my little social butterfly. He and his three pre-school friends are the cutest things ever. They are all perched on the guest room bed. Doug had just spent about half an hour reading to a rapt audience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the need to defend myself. Jason and I saw a news story about a Russian exchange student in Williamsburg who was assaulted by a man who offered her a ride. I told him getting in a car with a stranger is "stupid". I went on to explain how you should never get in a car with someone you don't know. I think I did a good thing, here... and I'm glad I left an impression.