Friday, June 30, 2006

Out and About

We spent a wonderful evening outdoors. It was a surprisingly cool and calm night, a welcome change after a sudden, hail-filled storm yesterday. Kathy, Sean, and Ethan stopped by, to the delight of the boys. Michael took many steps with Kathy's help. Ethan and Jason got up close and personal with a firefly. He talked about that for the rest of the night! And, as always when we have guests, Jason takes out every toy he owns to show his friends. So, it was an evening filled with basketball, baseball, t-ball, golf, soccer, frisbee, and bicycles. All in the span of an hour. Whew!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Smiles in Swimming Class

I thought the day would never come, but, finally, Jason is adjusting to lessons in the water. His class at the Y today was just great. Without any prodding, he walked over to the side of the pool and plopped down on the edge. Miss Heather asked him to jump in, and as you can see, he complied!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Persuasive Playmate

Jason doesn't realize yet how valuable having a little brother will be. The other day he was intent on playing darts, or "darks" as he calls them. Our neighbor across the street wasn't so interested. But, my little salesman did his best to persuade him to come on over.
Here's how it went:
Jason: Nicki, would you like to come over to play darks with me?
Nicki: No, maybe tomorrow.
Jason: Nicki, it's already tomorrow. Would you like to play darks with me?
Nicki: No, maybe tomorrow.
Jason: It's already tomorrow. (this went on for a few minutes).

Then, finally...

Jason: Nicki, why don't you come on over and we'll play darks for ONE MINUTE. Then, you can go back home.

At that point, Nicki started to back away, slowly and without any sudden movements.

Michael was in his own world, blowing kisses to strangers and trying to get away!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

At the Pool

Summertime means pooltime, and we've tried to take advantage of the pool at the Y as much as possible. Jason is taking lessons, and is slowly warming up to the cool pool. Michael needed just one minute, before he took to splashing. The boy is a little fish!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Outdoor Fun

There's been a lot to smile about recently. At least Michael thinks so. I know he would be smiling bigger if he could run around on two legs, just like his big brother--instead of crawling around on all fours. But, I know that will come in time. The boys have really taken advantage of the wonderful weather. We try to stay outside as much as possible in the evenings. Jason has really taken to riding his bike. Pictures to come!

Friday, June 16, 2006

YMCA Summer Camp

You know it had to be a busy day when a 3 1/2 year old reminds you that it's time for a nap. Today wrapped up Jason's first full week of summer camp at the Y. About 50 kids between the ages of 3 and 5 taking part in t-ball, soccer, and basketball. Those poor counselors. But, apparently, Jason stood out, earning an award for best sportsmanship. Proud as I am, I am baffled as well. This same boy nearly knocked over two elderly customers, as he ran screaming for the exit of a Barnes & Noble yesterday, clutching a book I refused to buy. This morning's ceremony in the gym, though, was all about the campers, who filed in wearing hats they designed themselves. They sang a rousing rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," which brought tears to my eyes, because they were all so cute. Sorry no pictures of Michael this time. He was too busy clapping, and hurriedly eating cantaloupe that fell on the basketball court floor before I could snatch it up. And, Jason just couldn't resist taking advantage of playtime with friends, Ian and Ethan. Sorry the photo is a bit blurry. It was tough enough getting them all in the picture!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Strawberries, Anyone?

What a great way to spend a weekend morning! For the first time, we took the family to pick strawberries. Jason jumped right in, and piled strawberries high in his basket. By the end, it got pretty heavy. I asked him today if he wanted to return to pick strawberries. He said he would be happy to, but, he said, he might need help carrying his heavy load.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bouncing Around

We had such a good time last week that we had to return to that play area with the giant bounce houses. This time, Doug tagged along, and had the opportunity to watch Michael show off. Doug said Michael would stand for minutes at a time, until Jason spotted him. Then, bam! Leveled again. Good thing Jason had other friends to play with, like Grace. That kept him busy, until he remembered...Michael is standing, somewhere...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

How Does Jason Know What Skittles Smell Like?

Just a few days ago, we thought Michael hit a major milestone. He took his first step (just one). And, of course, after that, nothing. No walking, no standing, even. I thought maybe he was simply working on his verbal skills. In the last two days, he's really started sharing his thoughts. Words like "thank you," that sound like "dada," "by-bye," and finally, finally, "mama." He's saying "ma-maa?!" so much now that Jason is asking, "Mommy, why does he keep saying that?"

Well, around midday, Michael's verbal and his physical skills were working in sync. He started throwing himself up to standing, while saying "ma maaa?!" At one point, we determined he was just showing off because he did it so many times. Too bad every time he tried to stand, Jason decided to take a stand, too, flattening poor Michael within seconds. So much for brotherly love.

After all that excitement, I took the kids to the mall, and the play area beckoned. Both boys flocked to the giant plate full of potato chips, a hot dog, and a slice of watermelon. I tried getting pictures of Michael showing off his new skills. I'll keep working on it.

Before I go tonight, I have one last Jason-ism. Doug always says that Michael and Jason's hair smells like taco meat. I'm not sure I agree. They get baths. But, Jason must disagree, too. Tonight, Jason said, "My hair doesn't smell like taco meat. It smells like Skittles."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Jason's New 'Do

Jason received a haircut the other day. You can see, he got a 'do he is used to. He was worried, though. He kept asking if he would end up looking like Michael.

Jason is becoming quite a storyteller, as well as a ham--you can tell that by the pictures. No more normal smiles. By the way, I figured out what kind of dreams a 3 1/2 year old has.

He started off one conversation tonight with--

Jason: Guess what me and Daddy did on Sunday, after you went to work?
Me: What?
Jason: We played video games and ate candy. (they did no such thing).
Me: Really? Daddy had candy, too?
Jason: Oh, no. Just me. Daddy didn't want any.

Like I said, Jason in fantasyland.

At the Ballpark

Last week, we had the opportunity to enjoy an evening at the ballpark. Jason got a snowcone, and much of it made it into his mouth. Michael was just happy he had a seat to call his own. We don't know the score, since we left early when the rain arrived. But, I know the boys will remember it as a fun-filled night. We will, too.

Jumping Fun

We have found Jason's new favorite place. A huge facility filled with those bounce houses. We took Jason there for the first time last week. We have plans to return!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Michael is One Step Closer...

A banner day here. Michael took his first step today. It was just one. No more. For the past few days, he's stood up for just a few seconds, then plopped back down. But, today, while we were on the phone with Grandma and Grandpa, he moved forward, maybe four inches. I think he knows we're pretty proud.