Saturday, May 30, 2009

Words of encouragement

Michael continues to surprise us. While he sometimes spent his season of soccer picking flowers and looking around at the other teams on other fields, he genuinely looked forward to his Saturday games. He was disappointed to learn the season would be ending, probably more upset that all of those snacks would be gone as well.

He was especially excited when, after the last game yesterday, he, too, got a medal. After it was placed around his neck, he said, "Now, look, Mommy, I have a medal, just like Jason."

The good thing about Michael--even though he was fairly engrossed in the end of soccer, in his medal, he still had time to notice me.
I swear this came out of his mouth.

"Mommy, you look pretty. I thought you didn't, but now I do."

Always thinking, that one.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Standing tall

We're beginning to stand tall at the house.

Not independently, yet, thank goodness. But it is just a matter of time.

The past couple of weekends have been filled with fun with family and friends. Most recently, it was soccer time.

We were so impressed. Michael played the whole game and he did not pick one flower! He may have even kicked the ball.

The boys and I watched the action closely. Can you tell?

The weekend before, we had the chance to go to Mike and Claire's house, where the fireworks lit up the night sky. As you can see in this picture, the action mesmerized the boys for a moment. But only a moment. Then the questions. "How did the fireworks get up there? Will they blow up the house? Why are they so close? Why are they blue, green, red?" You get the picture.

Friday, May 15, 2009

On two wheels

If anyone was outside this week on my street, they would have seen me jumping up and down.

Earlier this week, it would have been in frustration.

Tonight, it was through sheer joy.

I know, what would I do if something REALLY good happened.
In any case, this is a big deal for Jason.
He learned how to ride a bike without training wheels this week.

We are so proud of him.
He was beaming tonight. On Wednesday, I pushed him down the driveway on his bike, and he screamed and he told me he couldn't do it.

But, tonight, he did it. Turned around in the cul-de-sac, too. Several times.


Michael also hit some milestones. He was making strides on his Big Wheel.

Again, Joshua was just happy to be included.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beach bums

What a bizarre spring!

We've had dog days of summer, we've had winter-like weather this spring--and sandwiched in between--some gorgeous days. Like Mother's Day.

We went to the beach.

The boys had a blast.
They tried to bury as many body parts as they could in the sand.

I don't understand the fun in that, but no matter.

The baby and I ate cheese crackers and watched the waves beat against the shore.

Oh, yeah, and Doug took a nap.

Poker face

We're teaching Boy #3 early the finer points of poker.
A game at the house brought the boys into the kitchen.

Mike says he didn't win a single hand while Joshua was sitting on his lap.

But, he took home the whole pot at the end of the night, so the baby must have brought in some good luck!!!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A tribute to our mothers

Every day should be Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day. But it's not all bad to have a set 24 hours to really focus on the people you love.

The last few months have been very, very difficult to several people close to us. We are thinking of those very strong women today--close friends who have lost parents, who have said goodbye too soon to children, who are dealing with emotional as well as physical issues. We know we are blessed to have our parents and tragedy, as it always does, makes us cherish the memories we have even more.

I have to say Doug wanted to share a gift card to Macy's with our mothers. A nice gesture, yes. Maybe next time. But I hope these pictures from the past, of many of the times we have laughed together, are worth more. Already, Jason, Michael, and Joshua are glued to the screen every time we play these videos.

Cheers to our mothers. We love you! We are so lucky to have you with us.

To all the mothers out there, have a wonderful day!!!

Monday, May 04, 2009

First word?

The baby continues to amaze us with his fantastic personality (unless you catch him right out of a nap). If that happens, good luck.

But feed him and hold him for a few, and you're good to go.

And he's learning his manners.
We think we may have heard his first real word.

He's been saying "mama," "dada," "baba" for a few months.

But at dinner last night, we think we heard a little more.

He did the sign language sign for more food. We gave it to him. I think it was a piece of chicken.

Then, we said, "Joshua, say thank you."

And he did.

"T'ank you."

Friday, May 01, 2009

Catching up

First, a wonderful Happy Birthday to Grandma. We were so glad we could celebrate (a few days early) her special day. We love you!

Grandma enjoyed the birthday cookie (I think! :)

But, it may be safe to say, Joshua enjoyed HIS birthday sweets a little bit more.

Don't get me wrong. Being the third child, he's had cake, cupcakes, cookies, he may have even had french fries, before. But, this is the first time (maybe the last) he's been allowed to feed himself the messy food...icing, sprinkles and all.

We had such a great weekend last weekend. Grandma and Grandpa surely got a tour of the area. One day we went to the Air Show. The boys buckled up on one of the big aircraft, but really didn't get to go anywhere.

Of course, we went to games. Soccer and t-ball were around the same time, so we split up. I was watching Michael run across the field. No flowers last weekend! Notice, though, he is nowhere near the ball.

The baby just soaked up the rays. It was a rather hot one.

Jason played t-ball. I think this is the one where he had a home run. He so loves getting out there.

Just before the weekend got officially kicked off, Michael sang for us in a school program. The "Spring Sing" was a big hit, with our #2 belting out such favorites as "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." His little lady, Jorah, never left his side. I didn't realize Michael was so captivating.

Then we can't forget our trip to a galaxy far, far away.
Actually, it was just the beach. We were there for the March of Dimes March for Babies, and out came Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers.

Jason did a double take. He really was in heaven and even after this photo opportunity, he couldn't stop staring at the Man in Black.

Until next time!
May the force be with you.