Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Growing up

We haven't seen the sun in days.
So the boys haven't had the chance to play outside. Not since Grandma and Grandpa's visit, which really wasn't that long ago.

The boys had such a good time when they were here visiting. As you can see, Jason is very much into t-ball. He wants to practice any chance he gets.

Michael, well, he is definitely growing up.

We took him to the doctor just yesterday for his 3-year old checkup, and boy, was he a ham. He's weighs just over 30 pounds, and is three feet one inch tall. He was very proud of himself for giving the nurse a urine sample, in a cup. I'll be honest, I was, too. And, the one shot he received?

"It didn't hurt, mommy. I didn't cry."

Humility is not really his strong suit. Michael told anyone who would listen that he did very well at the doctor's office.

"I got two stickers because I was so good."

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