Thursday, April 23, 2009

There's a reason for everything

So many times Michael's tantrums don't end with us in a good mood.

But this one had us rolling.

This morning, the two brothers just wanted to start the morning off with some television. While waiting for Doug to wake up, Jason put his face up to the baby monitor in his room and breathed, "Daaadddy....we would like to watch TV, please. Daaaadddy....TV, please!"

On the other end, Doug was forced awake.

He went upstairs and told the two they could watch for a bit.

He went downstairs.

And Michael started to scream. If you've ever heard him do this, it is ear-piercing and rather hard to ignore.

Doug went back upstairs.

"Why are you screaming, Michael?"

Michael said, "Because Jason won't let me watch my cartoon."

And Daddy asked, "Well, did the screaming help?

"No, but Jason wouldn't change the channel when I wasn't screaming."

Good point.

He's pushing for change in his own little way.

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