Friday, June 01, 2012

Baseball on the brain

Whew! The season is almost over, and we're thankful. At least I am. We all certainly have baseball on the brain, though. We were passing by a construction zone the other day and Joshua says, pointing to the porta potties, "I think that's going to be a baseball field because it has a baseball bathroom."
Joshua has really enjoyed his first season of t-ball. We might see him on the field again one day. The baby had to have four shots recently for his four-year-old checkup. He cried for just a moment, but was so good during the ordeal. How quickly time flies. Jason and Michael were there for the "event" and afterward Jason said, "I'm not surprised he didn't cry, because we beat up on him a lot." That is the truth. Speaking of getting beaten up, it has been a roller coaster ride on the baseball field.
Jason is doing kid pitch right now and we watch the games with our breath held, and our hands over our eyes. He is either getting hit by a ball or pelting someone else.
He looks the part of the pitcher, though, doesn't he?
It hasn't been all about baseball, though. We had the chance to spend some time picking strawberries with Grandma and Grandpa.
We still have LOTS of strawberries left over. Yummm. Also yummy was a lunch I had with Joshua at his school. Look at my little ham with his friends! I can't believe the school year is almost over!

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