Friday, January 27, 2006

Give it to Michael. He'll Eat Anything

Remember that old Life cereal commercial? "Look at Mikey, he eats everything!" We have one of those. Michael is an eating machine! While he will eat just about any food, he is refusing to allow us to put anything pureed in his mouth anymore. So no more jar food. He's ten months old. I can't remember how early we were feeding Jason textured food, but I don't think it was this early, and I don't think we gave him everything we eat. Tonight, the baby had salmon and rice. Oh, and applejuice in a cup. It was so cute.

Jason had a busy afternoon, playing with good friends, Ethan and C.J. (see post from several days ago). We visited Macarthur Mall and the play area was packed. Add our three, and stir. The three boys ran and ran around the oversized plastic food that make up the centerpiece of the fun. They had such a good time.

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