Monday, June 02, 2008

In the name of love

Baby Joshua's had some fitful naps over the past few days. Is it reflux or just a fussy baby? Is it the dreaded colic???? We still don't really know, but we went to the pediatrician today to make sure he's growing. He is! 9 pounds, 1 ounce at just over a month old!

We also got a prescription for medicine for infant reflux.

I thought the reflux was the only cause of his sleeping distress.

But, I realized today, that our #1, Jason, likes to peek in on his baby brother, at all times of the day.

I caught him patting Joshua on the head during one of his naps today. As if Joshua were a puppy.

I properly chastised him.

And Jason replied, "But I love him, Mommy."
He repeated it. "I really love him."

Imagine what would happen if Jason DIDN'T love him.

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