Friday, May 15, 2009

On two wheels

If anyone was outside this week on my street, they would have seen me jumping up and down.

Earlier this week, it would have been in frustration.

Tonight, it was through sheer joy.

I know, what would I do if something REALLY good happened.
In any case, this is a big deal for Jason.
He learned how to ride a bike without training wheels this week.

We are so proud of him.
He was beaming tonight. On Wednesday, I pushed him down the driveway on his bike, and he screamed and he told me he couldn't do it.

But, tonight, he did it. Turned around in the cul-de-sac, too. Several times.


Michael also hit some milestones. He was making strides on his Big Wheel.

Again, Joshua was just happy to be included.

1 comment:

Ezekiel said...

Congrats on being able to ride a bike without training wheels Jason.
That's a big accomplishment! :)