Monday, May 04, 2009

First word?

The baby continues to amaze us with his fantastic personality (unless you catch him right out of a nap). If that happens, good luck.

But feed him and hold him for a few, and you're good to go.

And he's learning his manners.
We think we may have heard his first real word.

He's been saying "mama," "dada," "baba" for a few months.

But at dinner last night, we think we heard a little more.

He did the sign language sign for more food. We gave it to him. I think it was a piece of chicken.

Then, we said, "Joshua, say thank you."

And he did.

"T'ank you."

1 comment:

Ezekiel said...

So glad that Joshua said hid first word! You have great manners Joshua! :)